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(not fake)

  • 1 fake

    ̈ɪfeɪk I
    1. сущ.;
    мор. бухта каната
    2. гл.;
    мор. укладывать( канат, трос) в бухты Syn: coil
    2. II
    1. сущ.;
    1) хитрость, обман, мошенничество Syn: trick
    1., invention, dodge
    2) подделка;
    подлог, фальшивка Syn: forgery, fraud, sham
    3) обманщик, мошенник, шарлатан Syn: impostor, charlatan
    4) спорт финт
    2. прил. поддельный, фальшивый fake fur ≈ искусственный мех Fake whisky, the symptoms following consumption are similar to those of gastric poisoning. ≈ Симптомы после употребления поддельного виски схожи с симптомами отравления. Syn: counterfeit
    2., sham
    2., spurious
    3. гл.;
    1) а) (воровской жаргон) грабить, убивать б) подделывать, фальсифицировать, фабриковать( обыкн. fake up) Do you really think that you can deceive experienced art dealers with an oil painting that you have faked up? ≈ Ты в самом деле думаешь, что сможешь обмануть продавцов картин своими масляными подделками? You can easily fake up an excuse to avoid going out with him. ≈ Да тебе же проще простого придумать какой-нибудь предлог, чтобы не ходить с ним. What else could the poor old chap do but fake up an answer fit for publication? ≈ Бедняге ничего не остается, как состряпать ответ, пригодный для публикации. Syn: doctor
    2., tamper with в) мошенничать, обжуливать (тж. fake out) You could try to fake out the teacher by handing in your book as though you'd done the work: he may not mark the books anyway. ≈ Можешь попытаться обмануть учителя так: дать ему свою тетрадку, хоть ты и не сделал задание;
    вдруг он не будет смотреть ее? г) прикидываться, притворяться I hid my face in my hands and faked some sobs. ≈ Я закрыл лицо руками и притворился, что рыдаю. Syn: counterfeit
    3., simulate, pretend д) спорт финтить
    2) импровизировать( о джазовых музыкантах) Whistle a few bars... and I'll fake the rest. ≈ Насвисти несколько тактов, а я сымпровизирую остальное. Syn: improvise, ad-lib( морское) кольцо, бухта каната;
    шлаг (троса) (геология) песчанистый сланец( техническое) мягкий припой для ювелирных работ( морское) укладывать( канат в бухты) (разговорное) подделка;
    (газетная) "утка" - the painting was not Renoir, but a * картина оказалась не Ренуаром, а подделкой под него подчищенная марка( в коллекции) плутовство, мошенничество ( редкое) мошенник, обманщик;
    самозванец( спортивное) финт - * blow ложный удар (фехтование) подделывать;
    фабриковать (тж. * up) - to * results подделать результаты мошенничать, дурачить;
    обманывать - he was not telling the truth, but was faking он не говорил правду, а морочил нас притворяться, прикидываться - to * surprise притворяться удивленным - she *d illness so she did not have to go to school чтобы не пойти в школу, она прикинулась больной /симулировала болезнь/ (спортивное) делать финт (жаргон) грабить;
    убивать > to * a line (театроведение) нести отсебятину;
    импровизировать fake театр. импровизировать ~ мошенничать, обжуливать ~ мошенничать ~ мошенничество ~ плутовство ~ подделка;
    фальшивка ~ подделка ~ подделывать, фабриковать (обыкн. fake up) ~ подделывать, фальсифицировать ~ подделывать ~ подлог ~ прикидываться ~ мор. укладывать (канат) в бухту ~ фабриковать ~ фальсифицировать ~ фальшивка

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fake

  • 2 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) forfalskning; efterligning
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) bedrager; svindler
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) forfalsket; imiteret; uægte
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falsk; bedragerisk
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) forfalske; efterligne
    * * *
    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) forfalskning; efterligning
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) bedrager; svindler
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) forfalsket; imiteret; uægte
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falsk; bedragerisk
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) forfalske; efterligne

    English-Danish dictionary > fake

  • 3 fake

    I 1. [feɪk]
    1) (jewel, etc.) falso m.
    2) (person) imbroglione m. (-a), truffatore m. (-trice)
    aggettivo [ gem] falso, finto; [wood, granite] finto; [ fur] finto, sintetico; [ flower] artificiale; [ smile] falso; [ passport] falso, contraffatto
    II [feɪk]
    1) (falsify) falsificare, contraffare [signature, document]; truccare [ election]; (pretend) fingere, simulare [emotion, illness]
    2) AE sport
    * * *
    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) falso
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) impostore
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falso
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falso
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) falsificare
    * * *
    1. n
    (picture) falso, (thing) imitazione f, (person) impostore (-a)
    2. adj
    falso (-a), fasullo (-a)
    3. vt
    (accounts) falsificare, (illness) fingere, (painting) contraffare
    4. vi
    * * *
    fake (1) /feɪk/
    A n.
    1 (oggetto) falso; imitazione; contraffazione: This stamp is a fake, questo francobollo è un falso
    2 impostore, impostora; imbroglione, imbrogliona
    3 inganno; raggiro; trucco; bidone (fam.)
    B a. attr.
    falso; finto; fasullo; contraffatto: fake fur, pelliccia finta (o sintetica); a fake priest, un falso prete; a fake laugh, una finta risata.
    fake (2) /feɪk/
    (naut.) duglia; collo.
    (to) fake (1) /feɪk/
    A v. t.
    1 alterare; contraffare; truccare; falsare; falsificare; contraffare: to fake accounts, alterare (o falsare) i conti; to fake results, truccare i risultati; to fake a signature, falsificare una firma; fare una firma falsa; to fake a claim for damages, fare una richiesta di risarcimento falsa
    2 fingere; simulare: to fake surprise, fingere sorpresa; to fake illness, fingersi malato; to fake a toothache, fingere di avere mal di denti; to fake a robbery, simulare una rapina
    B v. i.
    1 fingere; simulare; fare finta: Don't believe him, he's just faking, non credergli, fa solo finta
    2 ( sport) fare una finta; fintare
    to fake it, fingere; far finta; bluffare; (mus. jazz) improvvisare.
    (to) fake (2) /feɪk/
    v. t.
    (naut.) addugliare; cogliere.
    * * *
    I 1. [feɪk]
    1) (jewel, etc.) falso m.
    2) (person) imbroglione m. (-a), truffatore m. (-trice)
    aggettivo [ gem] falso, finto; [wood, granite] finto; [ fur] finto, sintetico; [ flower] artificiale; [ smile] falso; [ passport] falso, contraffatto
    II [feɪk]
    1) (falsify) falsificare, contraffare [signature, document]; truccare [ election]; (pretend) fingere, simulare [emotion, illness]
    2) AE sport

    English-Italian dictionary > fake

  • 4 fake

    1. adjective
    unecht; gefälscht [Dokument, Banknote, Münze]
    2. noun
    1) (imitation) Imitation, die; (painting) Fälschung, die
    2) (person) Schwindler, der/Schwindlerin, die
    3. transitive verb
    1) fälschen [Unterschrift, Gemälde]; vortäuschen [Krankheit, Unfall]; erfinden [Geschichte]
    2) (alter so as to deceive) verfälschen
    * * *
    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) die Fälschung
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) der Schwindler
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) gefälscht
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falsch
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) fälschen
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (counterfeit object) Fälschung f; (of a gun) Attrappe f
    2. (impostor) Hochstapler(in) m(f); (feigning illness) Simulant(in) m(f)
    II. adj inv
    1. (imitated from nature) flowers, fur, leather Kunst-; flowers also künstlich
    \fake blood blutrote Flüssigkeit
    \fake jewel imitiertes Juwel
    a \fake tan Solariumsbräune f
    \fake antique falsche Antiquität
    a \fake passport ein gefälschter Pass
    III. vt
    1. (make a copy)
    to \fake sth antique, painting, document etw fälschen
    to \fake sth a feeling etw vortäuschen; an illness etw simulieren
    they \faked astonishment sie taten so, als seien sie sehr erstaunt
    to \fake an orgasm einen Orgasmus vortäuschen
    IV. vi (pretend) markieren fam, so tun als ob, nur so tun
    * * *
    1. adj
    unecht; certificate, banknote, painting gefälscht

    a fake suntanBräune f aus der Flasche

    2. n
    (= object) Fälschung f; (jewellery) Imitation f; (= person, trickster) Schwindler(in) m(f); (feigning illness) Simulant(in) m(f)

    the passport/painting was a fake — der Pass/das Gemälde war gefälscht

    3. vt
    vortäuschen; picture, document, results, evidence etc fälschen; bill, burglary, crash fingieren; jewellery imitieren, nachmachen; elections manipulieren
    * * *
    fake1 [feık] SCHIFF
    A s Bucht f (Tauwindung)
    B v/t meist fake down ein Tau winden
    fake2 [feık]
    A v/t
    1. auch fake up eine Bilanz etc frisieren umg
    2. ein Gemälde, einen Pass etc fälschen, Schmuck imitieren, nachmachen
    3. Interesse etc vortäuschen, eine Krankheit auch simulieren, einen Einbruch etc auch fingieren:
    fake illness sich krank stellen
    4. SPORT
    a) einen Gegenspieler täuschen
    b) einen Schuss etc antäuschen
    5. MUS, THEAT improvisieren
    B v/i sich verstellen, so tun als ob, simulieren
    C s
    1. Fälschung f, Nachahmung f, Imitation f
    2. Schwindel m, Betrug m
    3. a) Schwindler(in), Betrüger(in), Hochstapler(in)
    b) Simulant(in), Schauspieler(in)
    D adj
    1. gefälscht, imitiert, nachgemacht:
    fake money Falschgeld n
    2. falsch (Arzt etc):
    fake asylum seeker Scheinasylant(in)
    3. vorgetäuscht
    * * *
    1. adjective
    unecht; gefälscht [Dokument, Banknote, Münze]
    2. noun
    1) (imitation) Imitation, die; (painting) Fälschung, die
    2) (person) Schwindler, der/Schwindlerin, die
    3. transitive verb
    1) fälschen [Unterschrift, Gemälde]; vortäuschen [Krankheit, Unfall]; erfinden [Geschichte]
    2) (alter so as to deceive) verfälschen
    * * *
    falsch adj. n.
    Schwindel m.

    English-german dictionary > fake

  • 5 fake

    feik 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) etterlikning, forfalskning
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) bløffmaker
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) imitert, forfalsket
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) skinn-, falsk, -etterlikning
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) etterlikne, simulere, forfalske
    subst. \/feɪk\/
    1) forfalskning, etterligning, kopi, imitasjon, falskneri
    2) oppdiktet historie, bløff, påfunn
    3) bløffmaker
    4) ( sjøfart) taukveil
    be a fake ( også) være oppdiktet, være påtatt
    verb \/feɪk\/
    1) forfalske, etterligne, kopiere, imitere
    2) fuske med, forskjønne, forbedre, pynte på
    3) finne på, fingere, dikte opp, lyve
    4) simulere, spille, late som, bløffe
    5) ( musikk) improvisere
    6) ( sjøfart) kveile opp
    7) ( basketball) finte
    fake it bløffe, late som
    fake up dikte opp, finne på pynte på, forskjønne
    adj. \/feɪk\/
    1) forfalsket, etterlignet, kopiert, imitert
    2) oppdiktet, falsk, fingert, skinn-

    English-Norwegian dictionary > fake

  • 6 fake

    1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) falsificación
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) impostor

    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falso
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falso, fingido

    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) falsificar
    fake adj falso
    1 falsificación nombre femenino
    2 (person) impostor,-ra, farsante nombre masulino o femenino
    1 falso,-a, falsificado,-a
    1 (falsify) falsificar
    2 (pretend) fingir
    fake ['feɪk] v, faked ; faking vt
    1) falsify: falsificar, falsear
    2) feign: fingir
    fake vi
    1) pretend: fingir
    2) : hacer un engaño, hacer una finta (en deportes)
    fake adj
    : falso, fingido, postizo
    fake n
    1) imitation: imitación f, falsificación f
    2) impostor: impostor m, -tora f; charlatán m, -tana f; farsante mf
    3) feint: engaño m, finta f (en deportes)
    amañado, -a adj.
    falsificado, -a adj.
    falso, -a adj.
    fingido, -a adj.
    hechizo, -a adj.
    contrahechura s.f.
    falsificación s.f.
    faramalla s.f.
    farsante s.m.
    filfa s.f.
    imitación s.f.
    impostor s.m.
    patraña s.f.
    adujar v.
    amañar v.
    fingir v.
    a) ( object) falsificación f, imitación f
    b) ( person) farsante mf, impostor, -tora m,f

    adjective <jewel/document> falso; < fur> sintético

    a) ( forge) \<\<document/signature\>\> falsificar*; \<\<results/evidence\>\> falsear, amañar
    b) (AmE Sport) amagar*
    c) ( feign) \<\<illness/enthusiasm\>\> fingir*

    a) ( pretend) fingir*
    b) ( in US football) hacer* un engaño
    N (=thing, picture) falsificación f ; (=person) impostor(a) m / f, embustero(-a) m / f ; (as term of abuse) farsante mf
    ADJ falso
    3. VT
    1) [+ accounts] falsificar
    2) (US) (=improvise) improvisar
    VI fingir, simular
    * * *
    a) ( object) falsificación f, imitación f
    b) ( person) farsante mf, impostor, -tora m,f

    adjective <jewel/document> falso; < fur> sintético

    a) ( forge) \<\<document/signature\>\> falsificar*; \<\<results/evidence\>\> falsear, amañar
    b) (AmE Sport) amagar*
    c) ( feign) \<\<illness/enthusiasm\>\> fingir*

    a) ( pretend) fingir*
    b) ( in US football) hacer* un engaño

    English-spanish dictionary > fake

  • 7 fake

    1. n мор. кольцо, бухта каната; шлаг
    2. n геол. песчанистый сланец
    3. n тех. мягкий припой для ювелирных работ
    4. v мор. укладывать
    5. n разг. подделка; подлог; фальшивка; «утка»

    the painting was not Renoir, but a fake — картина оказалась не Ренуаром, а подделкой под него

    to stamp a picture as a fake — определить, что картина является подделкой

    6. n разг. подчищенная марка
    7. n разг. плутовство, мошенничество
    8. n разг. редк. мошенник, обманщик; самозванец
    9. n разг. спорт. финт
    10. v подделывать; фальсифицировать; фабриковать
    11. v мошенничать, дурачить; обманывать

    he was not telling the truth, but was faking — он не говорил правду, а морочил нас

    fake out — обманывать, морочить; вводить в заблуждение

    12. v притворяться, прикидываться
    13. v спорт. делать финт
    14. v вор. жарг. грабить; убивать
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. artificial (adj.) artificial; hypocritical; insincere
    2. counterfeit (adj.) bogus; brummagem; contrived; counterfeit; false; fraudulent; imitation; phony; pinchbeck; pretended; pseudo; snide; spurious
    3. deceitful (adj.) deceitful; faithless; perfidious
    4. fictitious (adj.) fictitious; mock; sham; simulated
    5. fabrication (noun) fabrication; hoax; trick
    6. imposture (noun) charlatan; cheat; copy; counterfeit; deceit; deception; faker; flam; flimflam; forgery; fraud; gyp; humbug; imitation; imposter; impostor; imposture; make-believe; mare's nest; mountebank; phony; pretender; put-on; quack; sell; sham; spoof; swindle
    7. assume (verb) act; affect; assume; bluff; counterfeit; disguise; feign; forge; imitate; pose; pretend; put on; sham; simulate
    8. falsify (verb) fabricate; falsify; fictionalise
    Антонимический ряд:
    authentic; original; real; true

    English-Russian base dictionary > fake

  • 8 fake

    1. [feık] n
    1. мор. кольцо, бухта каната; шлаг ( троса)
    2. геол. песчанистый сланец
    3. тех. мягкий припой для ювелирных работ
    2. [feık] v мор.
    1. [feık] n
    1. разг.
    1) подделка; подлог; фальшивка; (газетная) «утка»

    the painting was not Renoir, but a fake - картина оказалась не Ренуаром, а подделкой под него

    2) подчищенная марка ( в коллекции)
    2. плутовство, мошенничество
    3. редк. мошенник, обманщик; самозванец
    4. спорт. финт
    2. [feık] v
    1. подделывать; фальсифицировать; фабриковать (тж. fake up)
    2. 1) мошенничать, дурачить; обманывать

    he was not telling the truth, but was faking - он не говорил правду, а морочил нас

    2) притворяться, прикидываться

    she faked illness so she did not have to go to school - чтобы не пойти в школу, она прикинулась больной /симулировала болезнь/

    3) спорт. делать финт
    3. вор. жарг. грабить; убивать

    to fake a line - театр. нести отсебятину; импровизировать

    НБАРС > fake

  • 9 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) falsificação
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) impostor
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falso
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falso
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) forjar
    * * *
    [feik] n 1 fraude, algo ou alguém que é falso, falsificação. 2 impostor, charlatão, farsante. he’s a fake / ele é um farsante. • vt+vi 1 falsificar, imitar falsificando. 2 fingir, disfarçar. 3 improvisar. • adj Amer falso, falsificado, afetado. a fake passport / um passaporte falso.
    [feik] n Naut aduchas: voltas dos cabos enrolados. • vt aduchar, colher e enrolar (cabo e amarra).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fake

  • 10 fake

    kötélgyűrű, meghamisítás, szédelgő, bűvészláda to fake: gyűrűbe teker, hamisít, kohol, meghamisít, cinkel
    * * *
    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) hamisítvány
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) csaló
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) hamis
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) ál-
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) hamisít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > fake

  • 11 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) ponaredek
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) šarlatan
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) ponarejen
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) lažen
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) ponarediti
    * * *
    I [feik]
    slang sleparstvo, goljufija, prevara, potegavščina, ponarejek, imitacija; časopisna raca
    II [féik]
    transitive verb
    slang (pre)varati, (u)krasti; ponarediti; improvizirati; izpeljati, storiti
    to fake up — izmisliti, ponarediti, prikrojiti
    III [feik]
    slang ponarejen, nepristen, lažniv
    IV [feik]
    transitive verb
    marine zviti (vrv)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > fake

  • 12 fake

    [feɪk] 1. n
    falsyfikat m, podróbka f (inf)
    2. adj
    antique podrabiany; passport fałszywy; laugh udawany
    3. vt
    painting, document, signature podrabiać (podrobić perf); accounts, results fałszować (sfałszować perf); illness, emotion udawać (udać perf)

    he's a fake — nie jest tym, za kogo się podaje

    * * *
    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) fałszerstwo, imitacja
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) oszust
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) fałszywy
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) fałszywy
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) fałszować

    English-Polish dictionary > fake

  • 13 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) eftirlíking
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) loddari
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falsaður, óekta
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falskur
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) falsa

    English-Icelandic dictionary > fake

  • 14 fake

    adj. sahte, taklit, uydurma, uyduruk, aldatıcı, dolandıran, sahtekâr
    n. taklit, sahte şey, uydurma, hile, numaracı, sahtekâr, şarlatan
    v. sahtesini yapmak, taklit etmek, numara yapmak, olduğundan iyi gibi göstermek, aldatmak, sağ gösterip sol vurmak
    * * *
    1. sahtesini yap (v.) 2. sahte (n.)
    * * *
    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) sahte/taklit şey
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) sahtekâr kimse
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) sahte, taklit
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) sahtekâr
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) sahtesini yapmak, taklit etmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > fake

  • 15 fake

    • hämäys
    • jäljitelmä
    • huijari
    • huijaus
    • epäaito
    • vale-
    • väärentää
    • väärennetty
    • väärennys
    • väärennös
    • tekaistu juttu
    • tekaista
    • lavastaa
    * * *
    feik 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) väärennös
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) huijari
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) väärennetty
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) vale-
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) väärentää

    English-Finnish dictionary > fake

  • 16 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) viltojums; pakaļdarinājums
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) blēdis; viltvārdis
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) viltots
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) viltvārža-
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) viltot
    * * *
    pakaļdarinājums, viltojums; blēdība, krāpšana; satīt ritulī; viltot; krāpties, blēdīties; izdarīt māņu kustību; viltots

    English-Latvian dictionary > fake

  • 17 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) klastotė, falsifikatas
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) apsimetėlis, apsišaukėlis
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) netikras, padirbtas
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) apsimetėlis
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) falsifikuoti, padirbti, klastoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > fake

  • 18 fake

    adj. förfalskad
    n. förfalskning, hopkok; "bluff", påhitt; bluffmakare, förfalskare
    v. förfalska; hitta på, dikta ihop; bättra på
    * * *
    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) förfalskning
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) bluff
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falsk, förfalskad
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falsk
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) förfalska

    English-Swedish dictionary > fake

  • 19 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) padělek
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) podvodník
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falešný
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falešný
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) napodobit
    * * *
    • podvod
    • padělat
    • padělek
    • falšovat

    English-Czech dictionary > fake

  • 20 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) falzifikát
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) podvodník, -čka
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falošný
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falošný
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) napodobniť
    * * *
    • výmysel
    • vymysliet si
    • šarlatán
    • skonštruovat
    • umelo zostrojit
    • urobit
    • predstierat
    • falošný
    • gýc
    • falzifikát
    • falšovat
    • improvizovat
    • imitovanie
    • imitácia
    • retušovat
    • robit na oko
    • podvodný
    • podvodník
    • podvod
    • napodobnený
    • napodobit
    • nepravý
    • napodobenina
    • novinárska kacica

    English-Slovak dictionary > fake

См. также в других словарях:

  • fake — 1 noun (C) 1 a copy of a valuable object, painting etc that is intended to deceive people: We thought it was a genuine antique, but it was only a fake. 2 someone who is not what they claim to be or does not have the skills they say they have: He… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Fake — is a term used to describe or imply something which is not real. For example, a document or other object created to look like a real object that exists or could exist, or a performance where an event is played, or untrue statements. Or a person… …   Wikipedia

  • Fake Fur (manga) — Fake Fur フェイクファー (Feikufā) Genre School life, Yaoi Manga Written by Satomi Yamagata Pub …   Wikipedia

  • Fake food — is made from various types of plastics, resins and materials to replicate the appearance of real foods. There are various names for fake food including: pretend food, wax foods, artificial food, faux food, replica food, imitation food, food… …   Wikipedia

  • Not Accepted Anywhere — Studio album by The Automatic Released UK June 19, 2006 USA June 22, 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Fake Tales of San Francisco — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Fake Tales of San Francisco» Sencillo de Arctic Monkeys del álbum Whatever People Say I Am, That s What I m Not Lado B Five minutes with artic monkeys Publicación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Fake fur — Fake fur, also called fun fur or faux fur, is any material made of synthetic fibers designed to resemble fur, normally as part of a piece of clothing. It has been available since the 1950s, but its increasing popularity has been credited to its… …   Wikipedia

  • Fake (disambiguation) — Fake means not real.Fake may also refer to:In music: *Fake (Swedish band), a Swedish synthpop band active in the 1980s *Fake (Japanese band), a Japanese rock band *Fake book, a collection of musical lead sheets * Fake , a song by Alexander O Neal …   Wikipedia

  • Fake Shemp — or simply, Shemp, is the term for someone who appears in a film under heavy make up, filmed from the back, or perhaps only showing an arm or a foot. Although use of the term is limited, it is frequently used in connection with Sam Raimi… …   Wikipedia

  • fake — fake1 [fāk] vt., vi. faked, faking [earlier feague, feake, ult. < ? Ger fegen, polish, sweep, in 17th c. thieves slang, to clean out a (victim s) purse] 1. a) to make (something) seem real, satisfactory, etc. by any sort of deception or… …   English World dictionary

  • Fake it till you make it — (also called act as if ) is a common catchphrase that means to imitate confidence so that as the confidence produces success, it will generate real confidence [ [http://www.davidbrandt.com/fakeitmakeit/ Fake It Till You Make It] , David Brandt.] …   Wikipedia

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